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  1. At the bottom, tap More .
  2. Tap Unlock all features.

Choose one of the subscription options. Every subscription unlocks all features (see below).

After a 30 day free trial the subscription is paid yearly. Cancel it any time in the Play Store or Amazon app.

Restore SeriesGuide X Pass purchase
If you have purchased the X Pass app in the past, see instructions on how to install it.

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Note that supporting through PayPal does not entitle to goods or services. Payments are final and non-refundable. If you want to unlock features in SeriesGuide, subscribe from within the app!

Other ways to support

It's also fine to help by sending in feedback, translating on crowdin or even contributing code changes. SeriesGuide would not exist without its community!

Why should you pay?

SeriesGuide is developed as and built upon open source software and all but some convenience features are available for free. If you really like it, paying for it will help me make future updates and features.

What features can be unlocked?

SeriesGuide Cloud

Save your shows, lists and movies to cloud storage and sync them between devices. Learn more.

Episode notifications

Get notifications for upcoming episodes.

Set watched multiple times

Since v56 Set an episode or movie watched multiple times.

More list widget options

Display recent episodes or your shows instead. Change the background transparency when using Dark or Light theme.

Home screen shortcuts

Add shortcuts to shows to your home screen.